Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February Fabulosity

It's the middle of February and I do not have any new pictures to post, but hope to soon! My new mom in law, Carolyn's birthday was January 31, Happy Birthday! Mine was February 2. We had a fish fry for both our birthdays on the 31st. OK I will admit, I do have a couple of pictures from singing happy birthday that day, but they were terrible, so I cannot bring myself to post them! I'm 5'8' in no heels and Carolyn is at least a foot shorter (I think more)than me, so as usual I looked like an Amazon woman! We'll have to sit next to one another for the next mother-daughter-in -law pic! Plus, with my back hurting, hair styling has gone out the window, so let's just say, I didn't look so hot ! However, we had a great day, great food and great fellowship with our family and friends who were able to come. Whit and Brady were a hit with everyone. They were such good sports with all the new faces wanting to hold them, but they were too tired and finally gave up trying and started crying simultaneously. Too sweet. We want to see them again very soon!
Ricky and I have been able to fish only once since getting the new boat, and it wasn't a calm, beautiful day, but choppy and VERY cold. On the way in, I asked him, How much further? I thought he said 7 miles (he really said 11). Later, I asked again, How much further? He said 6 miles. I was like, what? we've only gone a mile? Can't this thing move any faster? He said YES!, but it will get colder! I told him to let it rip because I was already NUMB! He opened it up to about 48 MPH! We were at the pass in no time! We caught some fish, a lot that had to be thrown back (snapper, or A.J.'s that were too small), but we caught enough for a few good meals! Sorry, again no pics..it was too cold! We are waiting on a pretty calm day or for my back to get 100% better ASAP before we head out again. Pray for calm seas and for bulging discs to be sucked back into place! Ricky's getting restless!
Ricky sent me a pretty bouquet of Valentine flowers to work on Friday. I love that Mr. Jones! Hey, I can take a belated picture of them and post that, yeah there's an idea!

Our Family

Our Family

Our Beach Wedding

Our Beach Wedding

Our Seashell Wedding Cake

Our Seashell Wedding Cake
I loved our cake!

family photo

family photo
AU Homecoming 08




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