Monday, December 29, 2008

Whit and Brady Turned One Year old!

December 27, 2008
Ricky and I were able to go see Whit and Brady for the First Birthday party! What a miracle they are! They were so good even though they were sleepy. They dappled in the birthday cake and almost made it through opening all their presents. As Whit was being rocked to sleep, he paused a minute to wave bye-bye to the cars he could see leaving out the window and then he also blew them kisses! Brady decided he didn't want to nap just yet and played a little while longer, I got the cutest picture of him showing off all those teeth he's been cutting!


Wendy and Michael said...

I love all the pictures of Thank sgiving, Christmas, and birthday. The boys love all the presents you gave them. Last night we put the boats in the tub with them. Brady kept sinking the boat. It was so funny! I'm so glad Whit and Brady were able to spend time with their Aunt Lynn, Uncle Ricky, and cousins Emily and Brent. Can't wait until next time!

Dave and Mandi said...

Lynn I didn't even realize you had a blog. I saw the comment you left on Wendy's. I'm going to enjoy keeping up with ya'll this way!! Happy New Year!

Dave and Mandi said...

I did edit that photo. I got Photoshop Elements 7.0 for Christmas, and I LOVE it! I have been wanting to be able to do that forever!

Our Family

Our Family

Our Beach Wedding

Our Beach Wedding

Our Seashell Wedding Cake

Our Seashell Wedding Cake
I loved our cake!

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AU Homecoming 08




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